Hair Modeling

Example of Hair Modeling: Cutting the tails and then transforming using Root mode

Modeling workspace tools will allow you model hair strands with:

  • Transformation tools, with rope like physics or 'Root' mode - rotate strands round their roots,
  • Extend - to lengthen shorten the strands, [E] - key
  • Knife cut - to cut strands, [K] - key, then click 2x to define cut line
  • Linear Deformer (bend, rotate, scale, move), [Ctrl+D] - key
  • duplicate/delete strands, with [Shift+D] and [X] or [Del] keys
  • adjust tilt and taper, with [Ctrl+T] for tilt and [Alt+S] for radius
  • and more

Example of Hair Modeling tool in action. Selection Groups are used, to select only some of strands


Hair Modeling tool can be enabled from:


  • Left sidebar [T]-key > Hair Modeling Tool (1) - available in Object and Curves Sculpt modes,
  • Viewport gizmos button (2) on image below, has to be enabled,

Transform Modes

There are three strands translation/movements modes (use with G, R, S keys):

  • Chain mode (IK), move hair endings with rope like behavior
  • Normal (FK) mode, works similar to Blender built-in proportional editing.
  • Root rotate/scale hair using root as pivot point

Showcasing Chain (IK) transform mode. Since HT 3.4 IK mode supports collisions of hair strands with scalp mesh


Note: Switching to Hair Modeling Tool will override some default Blender 3D view shortcuts. To select other objects use Alt+RMB (since RMB button will select hair tip - rather than object)

In round brackets I marked optional modifier keys e.g. (Alt).

Hotkey Selections
Ctrl+MMWheel Offset selection
(Shift)+RMB Select Points
(Alt)+A (de)Select All
Ctrl+I Invert Selection
(Alt)+B+LMB Box (de)Select
(Alt)+C Circle (de)Select
Ctr+(Alt)+LMB Lasso (de)Select
Hotkey Translation
G, R, S Grab, Rotate, Scale
Hotkey Add/Delete
X, Del Delete Selected
Shift+D Duplicate strands
Hotkey Radius/Tilt
Alt+S Adjust Radius
Alt+R Reset Radius
Ctrl+T Adjust Tilt
Alt+T Reset Tilt
Hotkey Modeling
Ctrl+D Linear Deformer
K Cut strands
E Extend strands
I Straighten strands

Offset selection

Ctrl + MMB scroll - changes which point along the strand length can be selected

Linear Deformer

Ctrl+D - rotate, bend, scale, move selected curves using on screen gizmo (special thanks to Mira Tools developer for letting me include modified version of his tool in HTool)


E - adjust length of selected strands

Duplicate and Delete

Shift+D - duplicate; X or Del delete selected strands


K - cut selected strands. Define cut line using LMB (first to mark start point, then next LMB click to mark end point)

Edit Mode

Blender 3.6 does not have basic modeling tools for new hair curves. Few of them were added to Hair Tool.

W menu W - menu in edit mode