Manual Hair Modeling

Blender has built-in 'Sculpt Mode' for hair modeling (better name for it would be 'Groom Mode').
In this mode you can select and edit hair strands. To access brush tools: use [T] - key.

Hair Tool Hair Modeling tool is also available in 'Sculpt Mode' (search for last icon in the [T] toolbar)

Editing may bit slow, since on every edit, whole hair system is being reevaluated

This combined with Selection Groups, allows for very powerful and flexible workflow.

Strands Selection

Selection Groups

Selection Groups allow you to assign a unique identifier to individual strands, making it easy to re-select them later.

Select clump of strands with Blenders build-in 'Select Brush' then press Assign New ID. Later you can re-select these strands by using Select Group button and then picking hair strands using (Shift+) LMB in 3D View

Note: If you want assign hair clump to existing group use Assign Id: [x] - where [x] is Active Group number

Selection Group From Island - it will assign group ID to each strand, where ID will depend on the mesh island strands originated from.

Selection By Island

If hair source surface (scalp) is divided into several sections, you can select hair strands that come from a specific section (mesh island).

Scalp mesh is divided in few section (islands). Use 'Select Island' button and then left click in 3D View, to select hair strands that are originating from picked island

Note: instead of splitting the edges physically, you can use the Edges split modifier. First mark edge as sharp

Helpers (un)Hide

You can also use Hotkeys:

  • H key - will hide hair strands
  • Alt+H - will reveal hidden strands

Editing Curve Attributes

Hair Tool brings you ability to edit curve attributes using built-in 'Paint Selection' brush.

Edit Curve Attribute Editing curve attributes in curve sculpt mode (under Ctrl+Shift+H pie menu)

Strand .selection attribute (0.0 to 1.0 range float) - can be converted to any other strand attribute and then used with Curve Attribute input mask

When entering Edit Attribute mode, you can edit existing or create attribute. Attribute is painted by using 'Paint Selection' brush

Edit Attribute Switches to Edit Attribute Mode. Use 'Paint Selection' brush (in point selection mode) to edit attribute
Save and Finish When done editing attribute, save changes and finish editing.
Smooth Attribute Smooth selected curve attribute.
Selection Mask It will create curve selection gradient mask. Can be used in 'Edit Attribute' mode.

Selection Mask was used here to create GRADIENT attribute. It was then used Push Out deformer in 'Curve Attribute' input mask